Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Hate Stuff Like This...

creamy peanut butter protein bar

So, I'm in a HUGE hurry the other day but knew I needed to grab something from the store to curb my cravings... I grab the bar above - it says "Think Thin" so you figure you can't go wrong, right? :oP

I get this and finally sit down to have what will be probably half and look at the label - - 8 grams of fat?? 22g carbs?? You've got to be friggin' kidding me!!! Seriously?? THINK THIN?? 230 calories at one sitting??? So I had a 1/3. Sheesh. NO WAY - 230 calories in one thing - ridiculous. But I DO wholeheartedly admit that it was my own stupid fault for buying the STUPID BAR in the first place and not looking at the label.

On a side note - on the search for a good pickle. Love that they are 0 fat, usually 0 carbs are well... :o) That makes me HAPPY. I just hate it when they're smooshy... I need to find a good one!! Any suggestions???

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